BAT Report and BAT Viewer on Apple Mac (Beta)
Dimension folders
Optimization of Export to Excel
Possibility to cancel export to Excel, PDF, NRP
Functional of MDX-statistics is extended
Updated BAT-statistics cube
BAT Report and BAT Viewer on Apple Mac (Beta)
In the new version BAT Report module and BAT Viewer module can be installed on Apple Mac.

Dimension folders
A possibility to group dimensions into folders. To do this, open context menu (opens with the right mouse button):

In the form Folder Editing press button Create a folder and indicate it's further name:

After, you must drag and drop the dimension to a new folder:

Now you have a new folder Sales in tree of dimensions:

Created folders can be deleted and renamed. After the deletion of a created folder all dimensions will be removed to the root folder.
Optimization of Export to Excel
In new version export to Excel is optimized, long reports are executed faster.
Possibility to cancel export to Excel, PDF, NRP
Sometimes the process of exporting of big reports takes a lot of time. In new version we gave user the possibility to cancel this process.

Functional of MDX-statistics is extended
It became possible to track the status of the query dynamically. Now MDX- statistics record about the processing of MDX-query appears before the start of the query and is updated after it finishes.
The field Status is added, It has the following meaning:
- Success – the report is successfully processed
- Canceled – the report is stopped (canceled) by the user
- Executing– the report is still being processed
- Failed – the report is not generated
In admin module on the tab MDX-statistics new fields are added: Folder (folder in which the report is located), Report (report and it's version), Page (report page).

Updated BAT-statistics cube
In ВАТ-statistics cube in folder Date Update new dimensions are added:
- Date Update Count OK
- Date Update Count Non-OK
- Date Update Count Executing
- Date Update Count Failed